Martech group decides how to reposition its portfolio brands
As many brand managers have experienced, brand portfolios can be difficult to manage and increase in scope in unintended ways. Use the Remarkly App to assess if brands within your brand portfolio are correctly positioned.
Let's explore how
Hypothetical example:
Inspired an actual client issue
You are the head of the brand for a fast-growing martech group
You have an unrelated brand-dominant sphere
Your strategy for acquired brands is generally to keep them as unrelated brands. However, you have reached a size where you see that there could potentially be value in associating some to your core brand.
Some customers have already begun to associate certain values and attributes with your core brand.
How can the company determine if the brands in its portfolio are correctly positioned?
Decide if you want to do a full assessment of all brands in your portfolio or if you want to start with a subset.
For each brand that you want to evaluate, start a brand project to assess its strategy.
Understanding the Recommendation:
If the system recommends:
core brand, there is little value in the brand evaluated and it is not worth the resources to maintain as unrelated.
unrelated brand, the brand should maintain its unrelated strategy, there is no upside and perhaps a risk with relating it to your core brand.
hybrid or related brand, the brand and your core brand would benefit from the association.
In our example, all the brands evaluated were unrelated to start. As a result of the evaluation, several brands got the recommendation to follow a related strategy. In this scenario, it made sense for the company to create a cohesive related brand strategy and a design system that it could use across all the brands that had to be repositioned.
Using the Remarkly app, the brand director was able to quickly access a complex brand portfolio that was in danger of getting out of hand. With the structure in place, the company is well-positioned to build value in its core brand over time and benefit from a more cohesive and aligned portfolio.